40th Interdisciplinary Viking Symposium

 Travelling Viking Age

The theme of the symposium is Travelling Viking Age. The concept of travelling is closely connected to the history and research of the Viking Age, and it is widely known from written sources such as Ottar´s and Wulfstan´s travel descriptions as well as Saga-texts and early chroniclers such as Saxo or Adam of Bremen. In this symposium we want to broaden the concept of travelling considerably and in addition to travelling of people we want to address infrastructures related to sea- and land-travel as well as travelling objects and resources, travelling of thoughts, ideology, language, and literature as well as concepts of organising society in a broader sense in early urbanity including systems of taxations and coinage etc. All concepts and approaches, however, from an overarching perspective on travel and the dynamism inherent in this concept.

Download the programme here

40th Interdisciplinary Vikingsymposium 3 May 2023, 11:00-17:00 Odense University, Campus
Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M. (Auditorium O100)

11:00-11:10 Thomas K. Heebøll-Holm & Jesper Hansen (University of Southern Denmark & Svendborg Museum)
Welcome and introduction



11:10-11:50 Derek Parrott (UrbNet, AU)
All roads lead to Ribe: tracking a Berdal-style brooch through time and space using 3D modeling

11:50-12:30 Greer Jarrett (Lunds University)
Maritime Mindscapes: Viking Age seafaring in the light of recent experimental fieldwork

12:30-13:30 Lunch


13:30-14:10 Michael Lerche Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Snekkedal in Langå. Supplements to the list of Danish Snekke-harbours and other place-name indications of Viking-Age ports and entrepot

14:10-14:50 Aina Heen Pettersen (NTNU University Museum)
Viking Age Ship Prow Engravings on Travelling objects: The case from Skei, Norway

14:50-15:30  Lars Grundvad (Museum at Sønderskov)
Fæsted in all its glory. Foreign finds in local context.

15:30-16:00 Coffee

16:00-16:40 Else Roesdahl (Aarhus University)
40 years travelling the Viking Age

16:40-17:00 Discussion

17:00 End


Admission is free, but please e-mail Thomas Heebøll-Holm (thee@sdu.dk) no later than April 26th if you wish to participate, in order that we can arrange coffee breaks, etc. True to tradition, you can sign up for dinner in town at 18:00 (at your own expense). Place will be announced later.